We have no idea why you would want to leave our fine page, but if you must, these pages are almost as cool as ours. 

D.C. Ska Resource - 'Nuff said.
Pheer.com - DC, Maryland, and Virginia ska, punk, and hardcore listings.
The 9:30 Club - Where good meets bad, and bad meets ugly.
Phantasmagoria - Small yet exciting club in Wheaton, MD that features big name ska bands and crappy locals.
Smash Records - Ska/punk outlet on M Street in Georgetown. Watch out for the Crazy Sign Lady!
The Juice Mafia - Lee's old band.
The Instigators - Our forefathers. Please be reverent.
Bankshot - Cool ska band from the Richmond area.
The Unidentified - Charm City Ska
The Pietasters - The most famous D.C. ska band to date.
The Rachet Boys - Formerly the Skanker Sores.
Who's Yo Daddy - Tim's band on Long Island
The Decepticonz - Crazy metal ska. We stole a lot from them, too.
Eastern Standard Time - Great D.C. trad ska.
48 in the Basement - John's friend's punk band from LI
Sprout - John's friend's ska band for LI
Planet of the Apes - I wonder why we have this link? Duh!
Dr. Zaius - Just in case you missed us.
Moon Ska Records - The ultimate ska source in the universe.
Too Hep Records - Great local label, home of the Decepticonz
Georgetown Pep Band - A drinking organization with a musical problem. Doug, John, Lee, Dan, and Ryan are all members.
WGTB, 92.3FM - Georgetown's only communist radio station.
Georgetown.edu - Georgetown University Main Page

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