New Pictures
I'm feeling horny
Drum Bang Drum Bang
Damn its that funk again!
It's Mike on the 88 keys
Go white boy!
Those sweet melodies
Now those are some pants
The fyler from The Pilfers show
That crazy horn section
Dr. Zaius is getting down and funky
What are they doing? - Recording at Rack and Ruin Studios in Maryland
Like deer in headlights. - Recording at Rack and Ruin Studios
Trombone god. - Recording at Rack and Ruin Studios
Its funny because its not true. - Recording at Rack and Ruin Studios
The magic of recording. - Recording at Rack and Ruin Studios
Lee is regulating
Drums go bang. Keyboard goes....(make some kind of keyboard noise)
Madness Train
Doug: The Solo
It's Zena!
All the Horns!
Zena at Uncommon Grounds, Sept. 1999
Zena and John take a break from recording
Dr. Zaius in front of White Gravenor
Old Pictures
Dancing to the funky sounds of Dr. Zaius
Doug gets some air
Parth at Uncommon Grounds on St. Patrick's Day 1999
Doug is doing his thing at Uncommon Grounds 3-17-99
Alissa at Uncommon Grounds, 3-17-99
John and Doug 3-17-99
John playing. Enough said
Lee, feeling the funk. It must hurt.
John skanking like a white boy
Doug and John are "bonding"
A picture is worth a thousand words
Finally a picture of the Rhythm section
The Band awaits a gig. 3-26-99
Have you seen Deliverence? They haven't
Only one will survive. GPB Battle of the Bands. 4-19-99
They say that Dr. Zaius is 8 feet tall and they all shoot fire out of their asses - GPB Battle of the Bands. 4-19-99
Please, no loitering.
Our loving fans watch us play that funky ska music you kids love - The Grog and Tankard. 4-22-99
The only ska band in Georgetown - The Grog and Tankard. 4-22-99
Horns from The Hoya
We all want to be rock stars - The Grog and Tankard. 4-22-99
It hurts to be this good - The Grog and Tankard. 4-22-99
Damn, that's some good squishy - The Grog and Tankard. 4-22-99
It's the whole band!
Dr. Zaius is special
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